Monday, January 12, 2009

Jackie's weight and goal

Today is the day I begin to embrace hunger again!
My goal is to loose 24 lbs in 12 weeks {2 lbs a week"}
My sad starting weight is 183. I can't wait to see the pounds melt away. Okay maybe it will happen like that in my dreams but not in reality! ;)
Our fellow competitors are as follows:
Me (Jackie)
Blake (our only male)
If any one else wants in; it isn't too late!!!! Just post your weight and goal {or just your goal if you are a little shy about the weight). I hope the blog will be kind of like a support group where we can turn for motivation or new ideas! Best of Luck to all and Happy Losing!!

1 comment:

  1. So can pregnant people join? :) j/k I just want someone to beat Blake. He is very good at losing weight when there is money involved. I think I can pull ahead at the last minute and beat everyone, then I will give everyone their money back. :) You realize he has an unfair advantage. . . I'll bet no one had any clue just how much he weighed. I am just hoping this will help keep me from becoming a widow with two children! :)
